The Thor Community unifies business, research and knowledge institutions and public partners. The objective is straightfoward but ambitious: to ensure that innovative business concepts and products in the area of energy, smart manufacturing and smart city applications find their way to the market.
How do we do that?
Sharing information
Working within your own organisation will get you a long way. But combining your knowledge with the experience of others will give you a headstart. Sharing information and experiences is key in our success.
Encouraging collaborative projects
Sharing information and knowledge is one thing, combining the skills and know-how to work together is quite another. Examples of joint research and development projects are common within the community and have already proven their value.
Joint Business Development
The ultimate goad and result of a partnership: the introduction of a collaborative project on the market. Expand your target group and sales opportunities by expanding your offering and by using the network of the community. Together you are strong, even when looking for new business.
Regular workshops and networking events
Unknown is unloved. This also applies to business. By bringing together potential partners through substantive workshops or inspiring networking events, promising and possibly even unexpected innovative alliances emerge.
Park and facility management
Park and facility management allows companies to focus on their core business by unburdening them of practical and administrative tasks.
Thor Park wants to lead by example in the transition to a CO2-neutral business and university site. This approach requires continuous adjustments and a coordinated approach of the activities within the park.